Information Solution Specialists

Advanced business solutions for small to medium enterprizes at affordable rates!

Our main focus is to provide solutions to the SMME market, to fill the gap where the little guy is often left to think that advanced dynamic business solutions are just too expensive, or too technically advanced to successfully implement.

We pride ourselves in providing solutions that are on the cutting edge of technology, without your business having to bust open the piggy bank to afford dynamic business focussed solutions.
Our KTH approach, is something we pride ourselves in.

We don’t necessarily want to take over your IS infrastructure, but rather be your front line watchdog to ensure that you are not being exploited on a fundamental level by your current ICT Provider, and our ‘On-Call CIO’ solution, provides an advanced information management toolkit, without you having to mortgage the kitchen sink.

We Turn Information assets into liquid assets, intellectual capital into bottom line capital. Let’s make today spectacular, tomorrow breathtaking!

The Urban dictionary defines Dibs as:

“The most powerful force in the universe, it is used to call possession of a certain object or idea. There are very few things that trump dibs. “

We agree…